
22 January 2018

Trained by the inevitable Jean-Michel Bazire, three times Prix d’Amerique winner as a driver, JMB’s “Flying Chestnut” did not show much on the previous qualifying stages of the Circuit Trot des EpiqE Series. Despite all that, can she cause the feat ?

It becomes an habit for Bélina Josselyn. Pascal Bernard’s breed has once again spent a difficult winter and had to wait until the very last race to be sure to be at start in the 97th Grand Prix d’Amérique. Her acquaintances has not hidden their ambitions. Runner-up to Bold Eagle last year, after having set the pack on fire in the last turn, Bélina Josselyn had been preserved last year for the purpose of the World Trotting Championship. In our serie « L’Amérique dans le viseur », Pascal Bernard displayed his confidence after a decent 5th place at Laval for her return, the main goal being then to qualifie her in the Grand Prix de Bretagne. But nothing happened as planned.

In the first stage of the Circuit Trot des EpiqE Series, Bélina Josselyn starts badly, then caps at the top of the uphill section, finishing 9th. In the Grand Prix du Bourbonnais won by Bird Parker, Love You’s filly takes a fine start but finds herself stuck in the pack. Despite a decent straight line, she holds a disappointing 6th place. In the Grand Prix de Bourgogne, the chestnut mare failed to follow the fast pace imposed by Propulsion in the final section and stood 6th once more. In the ultimate qualificative race, The Grand Prix de Belgique, she collided with Readly Express and ended disqualified. Qualified to the Grand Prix d’Amerique thanks to her earnings, Bélina Josselyn however did not managed to make the finish this winter at Vincennes Hippodrome de Paris.

Yet, barefooted and driven by Jean-Michel Bazire, Bélina Josselyn has many assets. Her aptitude for the course (2.700m) is proven since she won 7 times out of 13 tries over this distance (70% on the podium). In addition, her driver is in exceptional form during this Winter Festival and has just pocketed his 19th Sulky d’Or. So it would not be surprising to see Bélina Josselyn having a strong result in the Big Race next Sunday.