LeTROT presents Prix d’Amérique Races ZEturf

LeTROT presents Prix d’Amérique Races ZEturf


12 November 2020

To optimize the races product, LeTROT is innovating and deploying a new marketing strategy for the offer. The excellence of French harness racing is now gathered under the banner “PRIX D’AMERIQUE RACES ZEturf”.

LEGEND RACE, SPEED RACE & MARATHON RACE, the 3 most beautiful races to conquer the grail: THE ULTIMATE AMERICAN RACES ZEturf PRIZE.

From November 22, 2020 to February 28, 2021, the 120 days of competition will take place according to the following schedule:

1. Qualif # 1 – Sunday November 22: “Everything is possible”

2. Qualif # 2 – Sunday December 13: “The Champions want their place”

3. Qualifying # 3 and # 4 – Sunday, December 27: “Youth storming the Grail”

4. Qualif # 5 – Sunday January 3: “The rendezvous of the favorites”

5. Qualifying # 6 – Sunday January 17: “The last places at stake! ”

6. Legend Race – Sunday January 31: “Who will make history? ”

7. Speed ​​Race – Sunday February 14: “Revenge in the sprint”

8. Marathon Race – Sunday February 28: “The ultimate fight”

Race after race, PRIX D’AMERIQUE RACES ZEturf will unfold like a real suspense series. Each episode will offer a gripping battle between the best competitors who will seek to qualify for the three races at the top.

The “Legend Race”, the “Speed ​​Race” and the “Marathon Race” will thus constitute an outcome with maximum emotional dramaturgy. The public will have the pleasure to appreciate and support the combative protagonists of exceptional talent. The “Qualif # 1, # 2, # 5 and # 6” automatically offer a qualifying place to the first three, the “Qualif # 3 and # 4” give the precious sesame only to the winner. A scenario conducive to all the twists and turns!

From the second year, the competition will be enriched by the creation of the “Youth Division” which will see the 2 years, 3 years and 4 years.


PRIX D’AMERIQUE RACES ZEturf’s ambition is to strengthen the essential aspect of the racing season and to develop its reputation internationally. The creation of a single brand increases the visibility of the world’s flagship harness racing event. Around values ​​of conquest and excellence, PRIX D’AMERIQUE RACES ZEturf naturally becomes the ultimate goal shared by all.