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LeTROT strengthens sanitary measures for Prix d’Amérique Legend Race


27 January 2021

The Prix d’Amerique Legend Race edition 2021 will take place in a special context. Here is the detail of the protocol that will be applied.

The Prix d’Amérique Legend Race, a legendary event that attracts 40,000 spectators each year, will take place this Sunday, January 31 behind closed doors at Hippodrome Paris-Vincennes. In this unprecedented health context, LeTROT is responsible for organizing the competition in this configuration and will strengthen the health protocol applicable to the Hippodrome Paris-Vincennes. Beyond the closed door resulting in the absence of spectators, the racecourse is redoubling its vigilance to ensure the safety of all.

The specifications in force since December 15, 2020 will remain applied without any derogation, in order to protect the socio-professionals, employees and the media present, essential to the organization of the race meeting. Anyone authorized to go to the racetrack on Sunday 31 January must have declared themselves the day before at the latest, and present their professional card on arrival. People authorized to be on site will not have access to the changing rooms and very limited access to the stables will be granted. The two press conferences organized during the weekend will take place remotely, in Zoom. In order to exclude any unnecessary gathering, the traditional parade and presentation of the drivers will not take place.

All the Trot teams are mobilized to guarantee the safety and health of all and allow the races to take place in compliance with the health measures we face. Thus, this exceptional edition of the Prix d’Amerique Legend Race will, through its organizational conditions, make it possible to reconcile the high level sporting performance of the Harnessed Trotting World Championship and strict respect, in responsibility, of the rules of protection of all.