feydeau seven jean michel bazire prix d'amerique qualif 6



16 January 2022

Last chance to qualify for the Prix d’Amérique Legend Race, the Prix d’Amérique Races ZEturf Qualif #6 ​​has delivered his verdict: Jean-Michel Bazire places a new one of his horses among the qualifiers with Feydeau Seven, winner of the last act qualifier for the Prix d’Amérique Races ZEturf.
The qualifying sequence for the Prix d’Amérique Races ZEturf ends this Sunday with the convincing victory of the newcomer to the circuit: Feydeau Seven, driven, trained and bred by Jean-Michel Bazire. Brilliant winner last week at Vincennes, Feydeau Seven took a big leap forward by winning his first race at this level in France after having shone in Europe during the 2021 season. The gamble attempted by his mentor therefore turned out to be a winner in a race marked by fault and disqualification on the finishing straight for Davidson du Pont when he was still in a position to win.
An excellent finisher, Diable de Vauvert recorded his best result of the winter and took a clear second place after a great effort. The qualifying ticket is won as for Rebella Matters, third and again placed as in the Prix d’Amérique Races Qualif #2. The favorite of the race, Gu d’Héripré suffered a failure which puts him in a complicated situation to participate in the Prix d’Amérique Legend Race in two weeks.
> Review the race
Remember that the two tenors of the first Qualifications, Face Time Bourbon, double title holder and Étonnant had skipped this last stage. They give us an appointment for next January 30th.
We now know all the automatic qualifiers for the Prix d’Amérique Legend Race which will take place on Sunday January 30.
  • Face Time Bourbon
  • Étonnant
  • Ganay de Banville
  • Rebella Matters
  • Hohneck
  • Galius
  • Cokstile
  • Vivid Wise As
  • Billie de Montfort
  • Feydeau Seven
  • Diable de Vauvert